by Hot Sauce
on November 4, 2011
Santa Cruz Hot Picante Sauce is like the original Picante Sauce but with a good old bite thrown into the mix! This hot sauce is made from a special blend of tomatoes, jalapenos, green chilies and spices giving it a wonderful deep flavor.
Santa Cruz Chili and Spice Co. do an amazing selection of pastes, sauces and spices that would go down well with any foodie and their creation! So if you haven’t discovered this brand then make sure you do! This is the first hot sauce from the brand that i’ve listed but stay tuned . .there will be more from where this bad boy came from!
Scoville Heat Units (SHU): unknown
Hot Sauce Brand: Santa Cruz Chili and Spice Co.
Origin: Tumacacori, AZ, USA
Hot Sauce Ingredients: Tomato Sauce, Jalapeno Chilies, Water, Vinegar, Chili Paste, Vegetable Oil, Garlic, Onion, Carrots, Spices, Methocel, Citric Acid, 1/10 of 1% Benzoate of Soda Added to Preserve Freshness.
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by Hot Sauce
on November 4, 2011
Santa Cruz Chili Barbeque hot sauce is ‘A favorite of all their customers’. This sauce is an excellent all-purpose barbeque sauce ideal for both marinating and used as a dip.
Santa Cruz Chili & Spice Company is both a grower, manufacturer and retailer of fine chili products. They grow their own chilis which goes into making all of their delicious sauces, pastes and spices.
Scoville Heat Units (SHU): unknown
Hot Sauce Brand: Santa Cruz Chili and Spice Company
Origin: Tumacacori, AZ, USA
Hot Sauce Ingredients: Tomato Ketchup, Tomato Sauce, Jalapeno Chilies, Water, Vinegar, Vegetable-Oil, Garlic, Onion, Carrots, Spices, Methocel, Citric Acid, 1/10 of 1% Benzoate of Soda added to preserve freshness.
Read our Naga Nat’s Review of Santa Cruz Chili & Spice Co.’s Chili Barbeque Sauce
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by Hot Sauce
on November 2, 2011
Valentina Mexican Salsa Picante is a hot sauce known for its flavor rather than ite intense heat. For those of you that want more of a kick, Salsa Valentina comes in Extra Hot too! The flavor is rather refreshing with a lovely citrus flavor. Apparently (now don’t quote us on this) Mexicans use this sauce on cucumbers and many varieties of fruit, such as watermelon, mangoes, oranges, and pineapple, with lemon and salt. We’ve been told we use our hot sauces on EVERYTHING but that just takes the biscuit! Have to say though, we’re quite tempted to try!
Scoville Heat Units (SHU): unknown
Hot Sauce Brand: Salsa Valentina
Origin: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Hot Sauce Ingredients: Water, chili peppers, vinegar, salt, spices and sodium benzoate (as preservative)
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by Hot Sauce
on November 2, 2011
Banquete Tabasco is one of the most famous Costa Rican hot sauces! It certainly packs a punch (much more than the original Tabasco and without thevinegar content) with a good flavor of chili peppers and tomatoes!
Scoville Heat Units (SHU): unknown
Hot Sauce Brand: Banquete, Belca Foodservice
Origin: Costa Rica
Hot Sauce Ingredients: Water, chili peppers, tomato paste , salt, modified corn starch as a thickener, acetic acid and citric acid as an acidifying, antioxidant ascorbic acid, 0.1% sodium benzoate as preservative.
Read our Naga Nat’s Review of Banquete Tabasco Hot Sauce
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by Hot Sauce
on October 31, 2011
Blair’s HOTTEST chili hot sauce to date, released on Halloween 2010, with a whopping 16,000,000 SHU! It contains only capsaicin crystals, and is the hottest possible capsaicin-based sauce. Only 99 bottles of “Blair’s 16 Million Reserve” were produced, each one signed and numbered by the firm’s founder.
Each bottle is a three tier fiery hell towering creation topped with a gold scull to really freak you out! Starting with at the bottom, the first level is Pure Jolokia Powder, above that layered with a second level of Blair’s infamous Death Rain Nitro Powder and then to top it all off with the surreal Pure Capsaicin 16 Million Crystal Vial! Going down as one of the most unique reserves released by Blair in along time!
Because of the ingredients found in this product, we strongly recommend that you read the Product Disclaimer.
Purchaser of this product hereby acknowledges the intense heat factor of this product and the element of danger if misused. This product is over 100 times hotter than a jalapeno pepper and is a complex blend of fresh peppers and extracts. This product is not a sauce but a food additive and should be used as such only.
Scoville Heat Units (SHU): 16,000,000
Hot Sauce Brand: Blair’s Sauces and Snacks – Home of the Death Sauces since 1989
Origin: United States
Ingredients: Pure jolokia powder, Blair’s Death Rain nitro powder, pure capsaicin crystal
Check out more products from: Blair’s Hot Sauces and Snacks
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by Hot Sauce
on October 28, 2011
The classic Ass Blaster Hot Sauce by Ass Kickin’ Hot Sauces a great hot sauce, when TABASCO Hot sauce doesn’t cut it for you anymore and you want to move on to the next level! A lovely flavored hotsauce with a good amount of heat! Great with fried chicken! This bottle of hot sauce also comes with a fun outhouse box for those who are into collecting!
Scoville Heat Units (SHU): unknown
Hot Sauce Brand: Southwest Specialty Foods Inc.
Origin: United States
Hot Sauce Ingredients: Carrots, Habanero Peppers, Vinegar, Capsicum Extract, Salt, Garlic and Spices.
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