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Melinda’s Naga Jolokia Pepper Sauce

Melinda’s Naga Jolokia Pepper Sauce is their hottest hot pepper sauce by far, measuring in at a massive 128,450 scoville heat units (SHU). Confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records to be the hottest chili in the world, the naga chilies used in Melinda’s Naga Jolokia Pepper Sauce sure packs a punch! Melinda has carefully blended the naga jolokia chillies with fresh carrots, papayas, passion fruit and lime juice to help complement the naga heat.

Warning! This hot sauce should be consumer one tooth-pick drop at a time!

Scoville Heat Units (SHU): 128,450

Hot Sauce Brand: Melinda’s® Gourmet Habanero Sauces, Figueroa Brothers Inc.

Origin: Costa Rica

Hot Sauce Ingredients: Naga Jolokia Peppers, Carrots, Papayas, Lime Juice, Vinegar, Onions, Passion Fruit, Citric Acid, Garlic, Salt, Xanthan Gum.

Check out more products from: Melinda’s® Gourmet Habanero Sauces

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Mike Simpson September 22, 2012, 3:02 am

    Uh, are you sure? When I read something like “measuring in at a massive 128,450 scoville heat units”… That’s low end of Dave’s Habanero sauces. This hot sauce is using the Naga Jolokia Pepper, which has been measured at over 1 million SHUs. Melinda’s sauces have always been in the competitive end of the spectrum, so, this just doesn’t feel right.
    Could someone have dropped a zero?

    • Leonard February 18, 2013, 5:16 am

      someone did drop a zero. as in multiple zeros. i am not a hot pepper person, nor a hot sauce person, but damn was i let down. i epected to breath fire and melt down when i had this in my chili

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