Hot Sauce Reviewed: Banquete Tabasco Hot Sauce

Reviewed By: Naga Nat, Chili Sauces Chief Taster

I tried this one the other week at Jaco Taco, in a beach town on Costa Rica’s coast and loved it!

It was so yummy I did end up using half the bottle. I added it to the Mexican salsa the waiter brought out with some nachos to add a bigger punch. Unlike the original Tabasco, the hot sauce just pours out, which resulted in a much bigger punch than originally intended. The Mexican salsa that I was adding it to was a shared bowl but luckily enough for me I was sat with a bunch of spice-a-holics, and through burning mouths, we did devour it all!

So if you’re going to buy this one (if you’re lucky enough to have it in your country . . hehe) then buy a few . . because it wont last long!